Controlling FM9 via Omniport1

Hi all, I have the MC6Pro working via DIN to a SY200 and an Omniport to a RC–5.
And I am trying to connect the MC6Pro via Omniport1 to the Fractal FM9.
But I keep getting the message that the device cannot be found.
Anyone who got this working and be able to give me some advice?

Hi, did you connect the fm9 to the midi in port of the mc?

Is that necessary to be able to use the Omniport1 Out of the MC6Pro to the FM9?
Or can you only use the DIN or 3.5mmTRS out to the FM9?

I know that if you want to use the Fractal Integration you need to do what you suggest. But I only need to sent a few messages to the FM9, and will mainly use the MC6Pro to communicatie between the SY200 and RC5.

You can control the fm via cc and pc. To use the integration mode you need two way communication. If you connect the fm only via an omniport you can’t use any commands which are specific to the integration mode. You wouldn’t get a prompt that the device cannot be found if you didn’t try to, though.

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I don’t need to use the two way communication integration mode, I only want to be able to sent midi messages from the MC6Pro. So what you say is that I should be able to use the omniport.
I wonder what I am missing out on then. I control the RC5 via Omniport and that works well. And I am using the editor to sent cc messages, not using the device specific fractal integration.

EDIT I have it working now. I forgot to sent the CC value 127 (on) and CC value 0 (off) to a CC number. Thanks for your support GuitarWolf :wink: