Connection to OpenSongApp with a WIDi Jack

Hi im seeking help to control the OpenSongApp, in my tablet, with my MC6 Pro, as with my bluetooth Donner pedal. I did tried to use note on for c3 without succes. Any recommedation on this matters?

The following is what OpenSongApp require for connections:

Receiving MIDI messages

OpenSongApp will only listen for MIDI notes (sent using Note on/off) from another device - this is used to listen for MIDI foot pedals. The actions you can assign for different notes received are set on the foot pedal settings page.

Scroll to the pedal 1 and click on the button (by default it will be set to KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT and MIDI note C3). It will then say ‘Waiting for button’. Tap the desired button on your foot pedal and it will be assigned as pedal 1. Choose a short press/tap action and an additional long press action. Repeat this process for each button on your foot pedal.

If the WIDI Jack is connected to the MC6 PRO 3.5mm MIDI ports, just check the that the physical switch on the WIDI Jack is set to Type A. By default, it is set to Type B.

Hi James!! Yes it is connected to the 3.5mm midi port, and it is in type A! I already changed it. I just try with a press action for note on to C3, velocity 0, opensongapp midi channel 8, but it did not work.

Hi James. The configuration to control the software OpenSongApp with the morningstar is finish. Now I am in the move to resolve why the midi command to control the beatbuddy from the app on my tablet its not working. Is there something special that should be configured to allow the communication from the tablet on the 3.5mm port to the beatbuddy on th dim5 port? Is it posible to monitor the communication from the tablet to the beatbuddy through the morningstar?

Assuming that the WIDI Jack is receiving the MIDI messages from your App, then what you’re trying to do is to pass the incoming MIDI on the 3.5mm MIDI INPUT port out to the DIN5 MIDI OUTPUT port?

If so, you just need to route it as such:

Thanks James, i really appreciate your help and advice!!

Your correct, and thats what i did!! So my problem should be that the WIDI is not receiving, or the beatbuddy is not responding, and theres where my second question is relevant… Is it possible to look, or monitor to see wheres the problem so i can fix it? Any advice to dealt with it? Whats monitor in the editor? Just the actions from the morningstar, as press, releases,…? It was posible to get to the app from the morningstar, but not to get to the morningstar from the app… Im in a one way communication… Maybe i can try with another android app…

In the Editor, select “MIDI monitor”. Have a read of that section in Editor User Guide (Version 1.3.6) - it will show you what MC is sending when you press footswitches