Connecting two MC6 Pros to an ML10X

I am trying to connect a pair of MC6 Pros to my ML10X. I have them set identically but only one of them actually affects the ML10X.
I’ve scoured the forum and manuals and can’t figure out why I can’t get it to work. I’ve even tried disconnecting the first MC6 Pro and using the same cable to connect the second, but it does not turn the loops of the ML10X on.
I would appreciate any insight on this matter.
Thanks in advance.

Are the Preset settings for both exactly the same? Are you using the ML10X message type or PC/CC messages? Are there any issues with PC/CC messages?

I figured out the issue. When I opened the ML10X editor I had both MC6 Pros on and connected. The solution was to connect them one at a time. I guess in retrospect this seems obvious, but it wasn’t to me until I saw a mention of this is the forum comments.