CC Waveforms - how are you all using this feature?

Hi all - I just recently started playing around with the CC waveforms on the MC6 Pro, and have setup a Tremolo and Stutter effect as demonstrated in one of the Morningstar video tutorials, and currently working to fine-tune an auto-wah.

How is everyone else using the CC Waveforms? Any general tips/tricks or cool use cases that differ from what I mentioned above? Thanks!

I’m curious about this too. When the feature was new, I experimented with tremolo, but I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. Would love to hear how people are using it.

I’m experimenting using the CC waveforms and sequencers on different pedals. After I get comfortable, I’ll make it part of my live presets.

One is to supplement the features of the Meris Enzo.
There is no LFO on board. The CC waveforms really give it a new life. I can sweep the filters, modulate the pitch, delay time etc…

On my Red Panda pedals (Radius/Raster V2), I’ll assign the CC waveforms to parameters that the pedals LFO can not be assigned to.

Alternatively, if the internal LFO is busy with one parameter, I can send the CC waveform to an alternate assignable one.

The Raster and Enzo are great pitch shifters.
The CC sequencers targeted at pitch are pretty great. I mapped out the CC’s of the pedals to know if I’m sending root, 5th, b7th, etc…
Sent to filters etc…(any pedal), you can get cool jagged bloops depending on how you program them.

Those Red Panda pedals are always so interesting, but I’ve never tried one. Sounds like they gain another level with Waveforms.

Depending on the pedal, they actually have a great assignable LFO section.
Different waveforms, envelope shaping, user editable sequences and more.
I am only familiar with the Raster 2 and Radius.