Hi There, sorry if this is easy but struggling to find answers (probably using the wrong search terms).
I have four levels of distortion: Clean, Crunch, Over Drive and Distortion. The clean sound is the amp, the other 3 are separate HX Stomp effects blocks.
Yes, I can use one HX Stomp effect block but any changes at rehearsal, sound check or live, would have to be changed via MC6 Pro programming which isn’t practical. By using 3 separate effects blocks, I can change any setting for any effect, on-the-fly.
I’ve set it up with four presets, one for each distortion level and an all off for the Clean. But is there a way I can do this with 3 switches? See attached for my first attempt. I thought I could use toggle mode, with position 2 triggering the clean preset (all off).
But while this sends the correct messages to the HX Stomp, the MC6 Pro still thinks the original preset is toggled on.
e.g. if I jump from say, Crunch to Distortion, then toggle Distortion off for Clean - Crunch is still toggled on from the MC6’s point of view.
Is this making any sense? And is it possible to make this work?
Any help much appreciated. Cheers Ben