Broken Bank Names after #9, remains placeholder text until erroneously saved

I’m using an MC6PRO, currently on the 3.13 beta firmware from December '24. I’ve encountered this bug, in both the production and the staging editor, since a firmware upgrade some time last year - even after factory reset and restoring from a backup, reflashing the firmware several times. Bank names load up to bank 9, but all names after bank 9 are not shown

If I navigate to a bank and re-save it, its name be shown until the next time I open the editor. Purging browser cache does not affect this behaviour, nor does storing it.

There’s also a similar bug with preset names - the editor shows blanks after the first preset, but it’s only visible when the editor first loads bank 1 and its presets for the first time. If you load a different bank and return, the preset names load normally.

I don’t think it’s related to the MC6 itself - there’s no strange behaviour of the device itself that I’ve noticed for this firmware version. Everything appears normally there.

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I reported this and other problems here.

Others are also having issues with the beta firmware. Make sure expression is actually working for you. It wasn’t for me and others.

I rolled back to the previous firmware until 3.13 is stable.

We released a new firmware last week which fixes this issue.

@brndanws yes we are aware of this issue but have not dug into it yet. You can click on the Bank label to reload the bank or preset names:

I guess I missed your post about it.

Thanks for the quick response, all. Apologies for the re-report, i didn’t find any similar reports while searching for various descriptions of it, and I didn’t think to look in bug reports about the firmware itself because this is realted to the editor software. Good to know that there is indeed something which can refresh the banks on the fly like that to mitigate for now @james

I’ve also noticed that the controller settings aren’t loaded from the device as they once were, which I assume has also been reported. I can’t really test expression @TonyS as I don’t use it in my setup currently.