BPM display issue when using the 'Set MIDI BPM` control change

Hello :wave:

I’m successfully sending a MSB/LSB BPM from another midi device to the MC6 following the CC table here - I can see that it is working, as other pedals listening for midi clock from the MC6 all update just fine.

The problem is: where I am displaying the BPM on the MC6 using the placeholder %BP this value does not update until I make a change on the MC6 (switch bank / preset etc…)

Is there a reason for this? is there a way I can get this to update as soon as the CC is received or the midi clock value updated?

Many thanks, Luke.

Thought i’d update here, Brandon confirmed this as a bug and has fixed the isue, i’m not sure what version that will be live in, however, Brandon did send a patch for the MC6 mk2: 2024-10-16_MC6MKII_Firmware_v_3_12_6.hex (442.0 KB)