I’m having trouble getting the Blooper to save loops on the MC6 Pro. I can see “hold switch b” is working, but with the setup below it’s not activating the save operation with a long press. I am having trouble getting this working on a Midi Designer layout I am using as well. Am I missing something, or is it a limitation of it’s midi implementation?
Hi. What is the last PC#0 message being sent to the Blooper for?
I just heard back from Chase Bliss.
“As far as I know, there isn’t a workaround for saving on blooper. You need to physically hold the right footswitch and send a PC command, or save completely manually via the Preview/Save Load toggle.”
This seems wrong. Why would they have a MIDI command for “hold switch B”? In your screenshot you are sending PC0 twice…why twice? Have you tried with a different PC# or putting the PC# with the same action as the “hold switch B”? I am controlling a blooper w MIDI and morningstar gear. I don’t do anything with saving loops though, but I can try and see if I can get it to work. I’d reply to chase bliss and ask them why they have that MIDI command if it doesn’t work? something seems amiss with that reply…
I have no idea why this would be the case. It’s very odd.
I tried to get save and preview working so many times but no luck. Maybe they removed it over the course of software updates for some reason. No idea.
I’ll reply back and ask on Monday. In the meantime please let me know if you get it working.
On a related note, I am just finishing up building a ipad/iPhone midi remote for Blooper that runs in Midi Designer. I’ll post info in the chase bliss Facebook fan page when it’s done. There’s also one I did for the Mood MK2, Microcosm and Reverse Mode C. They are free - I made them for fun. Maybe you will find it useful.
“Switch B” ist the right Mod switch on the front – that’s not for saving loops.
According to the Blooper manual: “While in loop mode (center toggle position) you save a loop by sending a MIDI Program Change message while holding down the right stomp switch.” There is no MIDI command for “Hold right stomp switch.”
There is a MIDI command though for “PREVIEW/SAVE-LOAD: 24 Range: 1:Left, 2:Center, 3:Right”. And it doesn’t seem to work. I’ll ask CB support…
If you figure out a way to save loops w MIDI please share. I am blooping but not using any advanced MIDI (yet)