Blooper Record Start/Stop

I have a feeling this has been asked before, but I’ve been looking everywhere - Reddit, Facebook, this board - and can’t find the answer.

I have an MC3 and MC6. I want to program it to start and stop Record on the Blooper using a single stomp switch. How can I do this?

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Yeah I’d be interested to get an answer for this.
I have a Disaster Area cable that I know for a fact works with the Blooper when hooked up to a MIDI port - it can receive clock, and get CC messages that stop and start recording, etc. I know how to set the Blooper to recieve MIDI on the correct channel and everything.

Just got the MC8 and I’m a little disappointed as it seems like you can’t just use a standard TRS cable with Chase Bliss…
Even trying with an EBS split TS to TRS cable, the way james described in another thread here, I can now send CC messages to start recording, but the Blooper is not receiving clock properly so instead of starting record “on beat” as it normally does when using Disaster Area cable, instead it starts and stops recording instantly on transmission of MIDI message.
I’m just super confused.

Just in case it might be helpful, I just posted a “tutorial” on how to replicate the functions and behavior of the two buttons on a Chase Bliss Blooper on an MC3 (or any other Morningstar MIDI controller).

It’s here: Using two buttons on an MC3 (or MC6, etc.) to replicate the two buttons on a CB Blooper.

Note: in my post I reference the Morningstar video, “The Shift State - The third, temporary toggle position,” which I believe addresses exactly what you want to do. What I add in my post is getting a second button on the Morningstar to replicate the “Stop” button’s functionality (and how it interacts with the Rec/Play button) as well.