It seems like the most efficient way is to setup a Page like the following:
Preset A to Engage/Bypass “Pedal 1”
Preset D to Display the Preset # and Preset Name of “Pedal 1"
Preset B to Engage/Bypass “Pedal 2”
Preset E to Display the Preset # and Preset Name of “Pedal 2”
Preset C to Engage/Bypass a “Pedal 3”
Preset F to Display the Preset # and Preset Name of “Pedal 3”
This creates a nice page that can engage/bypass 3 pedals and display their related current preset number/name above.
Now we need some switches to change presets. A Fixed Switch Custom can be programmed like the following;
Tip = Preset S (programmed for Pedal 1 preset up)
Ring = Preset T (programmed for Pedal 1 preset down)
So it would be nice to have a new message of “Set Fixed Switch Custom” to allow you to trigger the following changes:
Press Switch E to “Set Fixed Switch Custom” to
Tip = Preset U (programmed for Pedal 2 preset up)
Ring = Preset V (programmed for Pedal 2 preset down)
Press Switch F to “Set Fixed Switch Custom” to
Tip = Preset W (programmed for Pedal 3 preset up)
Ring = Preset X (programmed for Pedal 3 preset down)
And press Switch D to “Set Fixed Switch Custom” to
Tip = Preset S (programmed for Pedal 1 preset up)
Ring = Preset T (programmed for Pedal 1 preset down)
To take you back to the default way the Fixed Switch Custom was set up.
When Switch D, E or F are pressed the colour strip would turn on to show which Pedal/Presets are being controlled by the Fixed Switch Custom.
A “Set Fixed Switch Custom” message would be great as external switches are best used for items that require no feedback or the feedback is naturally given by Navigation (like Bank Up, Page etc). Preset Up and Preset Down seem like a natural for this.
I’m pretty sure the above can be done alreeady by changing Banks but that adds other navigational challenges. It would be nice to be able to stay in the same Bank.