Anyone having this problem with the display?

I am running the editor on a Windows 10 system.
When I type a name into the position 1 box and save it everything is OK.

When I type a \n message to go to another line and save the preset everything again is OK

However when I go to the next preset or even the first one which was OK the display is corrupted by the 2nd line stuff. This even extends across new or existing banks.

The only way I have found to correct it temporarily is by going into (see above image with EMPTY) and typing \n after EMPTY or the name that is there and then backspacing the \n out and that clears it.

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A Trello card has been created for this request: Anyone having this problem with the display?

Thanks for reporting this. It is a bug. We’ve fixed this in the beta editor and will merge the changes once the firmware is ready.

Thanks James, and have a Happy Xmas. :christmas_tree:

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URL: Anyone having this problem with the display?