A way to do instant/direct access style switching on the MC6 bewteen banks?

Hello… soo I’ve been using the MC6 for awhile but one thing it hasn’t been able to replace for me is the way other midi switchers use instant/direct access style switches that are universal across all banks.

By this I mean a switch is, for example, set to always be on/off for a particular pedal. It’s always flashing even you enter another bank etc. You can always tell this is ‘on’ and you turn it off the same way.

There is an ‘in bank’ workaround for this where you can set a switch to be on/off for something and then you use a toggle group and set trigger messages and toggle messages within that bank. This totally works.

The problem is that if you have say like 10 loops / devices you want to turn on/off that you would then maybe have space for two presets across the two pages in a bank.

I’ve tried using a few different ways to make it work but haven’t landed on anything that is quite ‘universal’ enough. Triggering just the preset that is an on/off on another page is great for the ‘on’ side but gots weird in making sure it goes off across presets. Esepcially if you are trying to build presets that you can use in multiple places and with some fluidity to them.

Anybody else out there come up with some magical solution for this?

I know the MC6 Pro has 4 pages per bank so I could make that work ‘better’ but it’s still having a ton of duplicate presets doing the same thing when I’d love to just have one instance of each of these loops being refrenced.

There is no IA or “global” preset (for lack of a better word). You can however, achieve the same thing pretty quickly and easily. Simply create one preset in one bank, and add it to a Toggle Group (Group 1 for example).

Then copy the preset and triple click the Paste button in the Editor to paste it across all banks. This way you will have the same switch across all banks and their toggle states will always be in sync because they are in the same Toggle Group.

Hi, I might be wrong but I think that toggle reset groups work only within a bank while toggle groups do work globally as well.

the suggestions are basically what I mentioned in my post as my current workaround – the problem is that when you are say turning off/on 8-10 items you have almost ate up your entire bank.

on the mc6 PRO there are more pages so you could make it work a little better.

the best solution, in my eyes, would be some way to toggle ‘toggle groups’ on/off from a preset.

when I had my mc6 on my pedalboard it wasnt a real problem. I could turn stuff on/off with my foot – but I recently racked up my pedals into a drawer for ease of operation (my idea was to phantom midi power the mc6 and have just that and an expression in front of me) and realized this would be a problem. I love the mc6 because nothing else generates LFO/waveforms and I love using that but this is making me look at older midi stuff designed around this flow or some hybrid combo.

I don’t ALWAYS need pedal level access – most of the time I’m just using my programs but I like being able to interact that way if i so chose.

Same problem here! I used to work with a Rocktron AllAccess and 2 Patchmate with presets and Instant Access switches. It’s frustrating I can’t do the same with a brand new device such as the MC6 PRO. Any suggestions?
I ‘d like to have pages 1 and 2 for presets and 3-4 for Instant Access.

It’s not possible.
The Rocktron style is exactly what I’m referring to.
I’m really disappointed that the Morningstar doesn’t do it. Since it’s all software/programming. The Liquid Foot controllers did an amazing job of this and that was like 10 years ago and had an editor etc. The RJM controllers are the only thing currently in production that do this.
This is the reason why some folks spend the crazy money on the RJMs. With this built into the software Morningstar would be the ultimate.

I love the LFOs that the Morningstar has. It’s a big big reason for me to use it. But I wish there was some IA or something.

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I don’t have a magical solution, but maybe one that works for some people. If you want simply keep track of the on/off state of a bunch of devices and be able to engage/disengage some of them individually:

  1. Set up a bank with simple on/off presets for all your devices. This bank functions as your instant access level. (bank a)
  2. Set up one preset within this bank to function like a full reset - turn off everything and set all toggles to disengaged (preset x)
  3. If you set up a new preset with a combination of devices, the first message should be always an ‘engage preset’ message to trigger preset x
  4. Instead of using individual cc and pc messages to engage your devices within that preset, programm ‘engage preset’ messages which trigger the presets of bank a
  5. Programm a ‘bank jump’ that jumps to bank a. On bank a, programm a bank jump to go to ‘last used bank’ , I’d recommend to use an external fs to do this.
  6. Optional:
    If you want more control over individual pedals, set up a bank for each pedal with the expression presets or toggles you’d need. Access those banks via ‘bank jump’. For example: You have programmed a toggle for a delay in preset a of bank a. Programm a ‘long press’ bank jump to the bank that controls that delay in every bank on preset a.

If set up like this you’d have instant access to all of your devices.
It is a lot of work to set this up, though

Interesting way! I’ll try ASAP

This is like an elevated version of one of the approaches I had.
The missing piece was “turn off everything and set all toggles to disengaged (preset x)” this was the puzzle piece I couldn’t quite figure out as this makes everything ‘sync’. Otherwise things weren’t reflected 100% correctly. I’m going to have to try this.

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Hi, I can’t make it work properly. If I recall a preset, then another one and then back to the first I need to press the switch 2 times. It’s a mess. I spent 2 days trying to solve this problem, but I can’t find a way.

Which presets are you talking about?

now everythink works properly. I did a firmware update!
Thank you so much for your help!