Loop 3: HX Stomp (front of amplifier)
Send: To HX Stomp input
Return: From L send of Stomp tip return
Loop 4: 4CM (Amp Loop)
Send: To Amp input
Return: From Amp FX Send
Loop 5/6: HX Stomp (fx loop)
Send (tip/ring): To Stomp L return
Return: From Stomp L and Right output (tip/ring)
Loop 7: Catlinbread Soft Focus
Loop 8: Nothing
Loop 9/10: Strymon Cloudburst in Stereo
Output: To amp FX return
Now I want to split the output to 2 amp returns or better known as “poor mans stereo rig” Here is a video that explains it. How can I set this up in the editor?
Assuming you’re currently using the basic mode, you’ll need to move to the advanced mode to be able to keep the effects in the same order while making use of loop 8 to be a copy of loop 4. It’d be easier if you had a pair for a stereo L/R like loop 5/6 but not a hassle. (Thankfully the beta firmware allows for loop bypassing in advanced mode now). You’ll just have to manually route the loop connections in the advanced editor but will accomplish what you want.